Trusting that you had applied for something very similar, here I present you the review of the most famous book for NDA by Arihant, Pathfinder for NDA and NA Entrance Examination. Presumably why it is the most famous and best book for the test preparation, before, everyone want to know from those who bought this book and read, here I bring you one. You can get reviews of different book and study materials to break the test from this site. 

It comprises of two composed papers of objective question. The test is for a sum of 900 questions. The primary paper is for 300 ques and the subsequent paper is for a sum of 600 ques. The principal paper is on Math. The subsequent paper is on general studies. Pathfinder For NDA and NA Entrance Examination covers the prospectus for the two papers of the test. 

After the thorough inclusion of math syllabus, the book continues on to English language  After this, the General Studies part is isolated into subsections on various subjects. This segment covers Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Indian Polity, Economy, and Geography. 

The book gives total inclusion of concepts. It has various activities as genuine inquiries for training. The responses for these activity questions are also available in the book with clues and also with solution. Pathfinder For NDA and NA Entrance Examination additionally contains earlier years tackled papers. The full arrangements are additionally accommodated every one of the papers. 

Pathfinder for NDA & NA exam book is the best book for NDA preparation. As the syllabus of NDA & NA exam has been carefully covered up by the book, candidates will have maximum chance of passing the NDA exam. Theory part is very well illustrated with examples and plenty of exercises for the readers. Mathematics topics are covered nicely and very simple methods are provided.

Pathfinder For NDA and NA Entrance Examination is a finished aide for self-study, for hopefuls getting ready for the UPSC NDA/NA test. It has in excess of 8000 objective inquiries that assist the applicants with honing their insight and test taking abilities. 

Hence, I emphatically suggest Arihant Pathfinder for NDA and NA examination book as the best book for NDA arrangement.

Now, download the math part from the given link👇👇👇