Important GK One Liner for SSC Exams (Biology)

We have already provided 5 different parts of G.K One Liners for SSC Exams.If You haven't gone through these One-Liners yet, please go through them once because they contain important questions that are often asked in SSC Exams. 

Today, we are providing One Liner on Biology. Most of these questions are very important and has been asked in various exams including SSC CGL. So, don't miss them.
Important GK One Liner  for SSC Exams (Biology) - Part 1
  1. Name the structural and function unit of all life forms - Cell
  2. Who discovered cell - Robert Hooke
  3. Who discovered nucleus of the cell - Robert Brown
  4. Cells are made up of __________ - Protoplasm
  5. Outer covering of a cell is called ________ and it is made up of _________ - Plasma, lipids & proteins
  6. Nucleus and cytoplasm are contained in _________of the cell - Cell Membrane
  7. Which part of the cell is its controlling centre - Nucleus
  8. What does DNA contain? - Genetic Information that is passed from one generation to another
  9. What does RNA contain? - It is genetic carrier of some microorganisms (e.g. HIV)
  10. What is the main component of cell wall in case of plant cells? - Cellulose
  11. Which part of the cell is also known as digestive bag?- Lysosomes
  12. __________ is known as "powerhouse of the cell"- Mitochondria
  13. What are protein made of? - Amino Acid
  14. Name the vitamins that are water soluble and that are fat soluble? - A,D,E,K are fat soluble and B,C are water soluble
  15. Name the vitamin that is important for blood coagulation - Vitamin K
  16. What kind of disease is malaria? - Malaria is a protozoan disease caused by protozoan parasite plasmodium.
  17. Name the plant tissues responsible for transportation of water and food in plants- Xylem transports water and Phloem transport food.
  18. What are cartilage, blood, bones, tendons and ligaments?- Connective Tissues
  19. Why is Blood Red in Color? - Due to the presence of RBC's that contain red colored pigment called Haemoglobin.
  20. What is the role of WBC's ? - WBC's contain Antibodies that protect human body from infections.
  21. Where are blood cells manufactured? - In bone marrow from stem cells
  22. Name two nitrogen fixation bacteria- Azotobacter and rhizobium
  23. The branch of biology under which the living organisms and their relation with their surroundings is studied is known as - Ecology
  24. Promotion of algae in a water body due to the increase in amount of falling industrial and sewage water decreases the BOD of water and depletes the dissolved oxygen is called - Eutrophication.
  25. What is BOD? -Biochemical oxygen Demand also called Biological oxygen demand is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period.
  26. Why is EEG(Electro Encephalo Gram) used? - It detects electrical activity in your brain using small, flat metal discs (electrodes) attached to your scalp.
  27. Which glands are also known as Ductless Glands? - Endocrine
  28. Largest bone in Human Body - FEMUR
  29. Shortest bone in Human Body - STAPES or STIRRUL Bone (in the middle ear)
  30. The gland which is both endocrine as well as exocrine - Pancreas

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