General Science Quiz

  • 1. "Table Sugar" is which type of sugar?

    1. Fructose
    2. Galactose
    3. Glucose
    4. Sucrose
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option D
    Note: Sucrose is the organic compound commonly known as table sugar and sometimes called saccharose. A white, odourless, crystalline powder with a sweet taste. It is best known for its role in food.

General Science Quiz

  • 2. Filaria is transmitted by

    1. Aedes mosquito
    2. Anopheles mosquito
    3. Culex mosquito
    4. Swamp mosquito
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option C
    Note: Aedes mosquito causes dengue fever. Anopheles mosquito causes malaria. Culex mosquito causes Filaria.

General Science Quiz

  • 3. What is an endoscope?

    1. It is an optical instrument used to see inside the alimentary canal.
    2. It is a device which is fitted on the chest of the patient to regularise the irregular heart beats.
    3. It is an instrument used for examining ear disorders.
    4. It is an instrument for recording electrical signals produced by human muscles.
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option A
    Note: Endoscopy means looking inside and typically refers to looking inside the body for medical reasons using an endoscope, an Instrument used to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body. Unlike most other medical imaging devices, endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ. Endoscopy can also refer to using a borescope in technical situations where direct line of sight observation is not feasible. The following conditions and illnesses are most commonly investigated or diagnosed with an endoscopy; breathing disorders; chronic diarrhoea; internal bleeding; irritable bowel syndrome; stomach ulcers, etc.

General Science Quiz

  • 4. Alcohol prepared by the distillation of wood is:

    1. Propyl alcohol
    2. Methyl alcohol
    3. Ethyl alcohol
    4. Glycerolx
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Note: Alcohol prepared by the distillation of wood is Methyl alcohol. It is also called wood spirit.

General Science Quiz

  • 5. Iodine can be separated from a mixture of Iodine and Potassium Chloride by

    1. Sedimentation
    2. Filtration
    3. Sublimation
    4. Distillation
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option C
    Note: Iodine is well known to sublime( change from solid to gas without becoming liquid inbetween) when heated. However sodium chloride has a melting point much higher than that of iodine. Therefore, a mixture of iodine and sodium chloride can be separated by using a sublimation apparatus, with solid iodine collected by condensation on a cold surface.

General Science Quiz

  • 6. Conduction band electrons have more mobility than holes because they

    1. are lighter
    2. experience collision less frequently
    3. have negative charge
    4. need less energy to move them
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Note: When an electric field is applied, both the valence electrons and the free electrons move in the same direction. The hole direction is opposite to that of valence electron but the mobility is the same. Even for the same electric field, valence electrons cannot move as freely as the free electrons because its movement is restricted due to collusions. Therefore, the velocity of valence electrons is less compared to free electrons. In other words, the velocity of holes is less compared to free electrons. This means mobility is also less for a hole compared to free electrons.

General Science Quiz

  • 7.White Phosphorus is always kept under

    1. benzene
    2. kerosene
    3. ether
    4. water
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option D
    Note: White Phosphorous is a material made from a common allotrope of the chemical element phosphorous that is used in smoke, tracer, illumination and incendiary munitions. Other common names include WP, and the slang term "Willie Pete." which is dated from its use in Vietnam, and is still sometimes used in military jargon. As an incendiary weapon, white phosphorous burns fiercely and can set cloths, fuel, ammunition and other combustibles on fire and cause serious burns or death and that is whey it is kept in water.

General Science Quiz

  • 8. 52nd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1985 deals with

    1. Union Territories 
    2. Defection and Disqualification
    3. Extending Reservation
    4. Abolition of Privy Purses
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Note: The 52nd constitutional Amendment of 1985 amended Article 101, 102, 190 and 191 and inserted Scheduled 10 to the Constitution of India. It dealt with Anti Defection Law and provided Disqualification of members from parliament and assembly in case of defection from one party to another.

General Science Quiz

  • 9. Night Photography and photography in mist and fog are possible using

    1. ultra-violet radiation
    2. infra-red radiation
    3. microwave radiation
    4. gamma radiation
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Note: Infrared is used in night vision equipment when there is insufficient visible light to see. Night vision devices operate through a process involving the conversion of ambient light photons into electrons which are then amplified by a chemical and electrical process and then converted back into visible light.

General Science Quiz

  • 10. The "four stroke petrol engine" is based on

    1. Carnot-cycle
    2. Otto-Cycle
    3. Diesel-cycle
    4. Boyle's-cycle
    Answer And Explanation
    Answer: Option B
    Note: A four-stroke engine is an internal combustion engine in which the piston completes four separate strokes- intake, compression, power and exhaust- during two separate revolutions of the engine's crankshaft, and one single thermodynamic cycle. The earliest of these to be developed is the Otto cycle engine developed in 1876 by Nikolaus August Otto in Cologne, Germany, after the operation principle described by Alphonse Beau de Rochas in 1861.